What Is A Slab Leak?
A slab leak is the industry term for a leak on one (or more) of the water lines running below the concrete floor of your home.What Causes A Slab Leak?
Many events and conditions can cause under slab leaks.- Bad pipes
- Roots
- Rust
- Hard Water
- High Water Pressure
- Poorly assembled fittings and pipes
- Electrolysis causing pinhole leaks
- Ground movement from expanding or contracting soils
- Commercial waste pipe cleaners that actually eat through pipes
Signs You Might Have A Slab Leak
- You hear water noises under the concrete slab.
- Your water bill is unusually high or you have an unexplained increases is usage.
- You find a wet spot or increased humidity on your floor.
- You find a warm spot on your floor (warm water pipes leaking).
- You find a cold spot on your floor (cold water pipes leaking).
- You see cracks in floor, bubbles in linoleum, cracks in walls and baseboards.
- You see water coming up from the foundation of your home.
- You have an unexplained drop in water pressure to your home not caused by a pressure regulator.
How Do We Find A Slab Leak?
We utilize our expertise and skill to determine the location of the leak. We use GOLDAK® Leak Detection equipment that allows us to hear the leak below the floor giving us an accurate idea of where the leak is. After the leak is heard, we use our Line Locater to determine how the lines are run. After determining those two things, the leak is located and isolated, we can then discuss with you the different options for repairing your specific problem and the associated costs.Methods Of Repair
Direct Access: After our technicians pinpoint the leak, we start by covering the floors and furniture to protect them from dust. We then jackhammer the floor and remove the debris to access the water pipe below the slab. This type of repair is usually referred to as a “direct access.” After cutting out the leaking section of pipe and making the repair using type L copper pipe, we perform an additional electronic leak detection to ensure there are no additional leaks. The pipe is then wrapped in plastic, the soil is replaced and we put a rough patch on the concrete with fast drying cement. The entire process takes only a few hours and your water is restored the same day.Re-route: Re-routing, or single line re-piping, is the term to describe the process of bypassing a line that is leaking under a slab foundation. A Reroute would be the preferred method of repair if a direct access is not possible or cost prohibited, due to continuous tile, wood, or marble flooring .Most homes have a piping system for the hot and cold lines that loop from fixture to fixture, usually starting at the water heater. Leaks can develop under the slab on either the hot or the cold lines. An average one bathroom home may have up to twelve individual lines under the slab. When a leak develops on one of the lines in an area where a direct access is not possible, then this line can be re-routed. Rerouting a line that goes under the slab from manifold to manifold will generally require opening of drywall (less drywall is opened if there is an attic space above the ceiling). Additional to the expense of the plumbing re-route, is the cost of replacing the drywall, texturing and paint.